As spotted by 9to5Mac, it looks as if that same issue is occurring again with the iPhone 7 and 7 Plus, however just on matte dark models.
Apple's bolster gathering is gradually topping off with reports of the matte dark iPhones being chipped (three pages in length at the season of composing). These chips uncover the silver aluminum underneath and can happen inside the principal month, or even first week of proprietorship. Regardless of the possibility that the iPhone is secured inside a case, chips can show up.
The chips happen regularly around the volume catch and speaker grille, however they can likewise occur along any of the edges or on the back of the cell phone. The matte dark iPhone 7 Plus$769.99 at T-Mobile appears to experience the ill effects of the issue more than the littler iPhone 7$649.99 at T-Mobile.
The migraine for iPhone proprietors is Apple's arrangement on case harm. As it's seen as "corrective harm," which happens through ordinary every day utilize, Apple doesn't cover it under guarantee. Regardless of the possibility that a chip shows up following a couple days, it's still restorative harm.
Cell phones are continually being dealt with, slipped all through a pocket or pack, and can without much of a stretch be dropped or thumped. Harm to the case is something we as a whole acknowledge and that is the reason defensive cases exist. Be that as it may, in the event that it chips without cause in the initial couple of weeks of owning the telephone, or even while inside a case, that is not worthy.
In the event that the protestations in the bolster gathering keep on growing in number, Apple should react with something more than guaranteeing corrective harm. It looks as if there's some issue with the matte dark anodizing process, and I'd be astonished if Apple wasn't at that point unobtrusively doing an audit with its assembling accomplices.